Implicit State Machines
Languages, Compilers, Tools and Theory of Embedded Systems 2022 (LCTES 2022)
Finite-state machines (FSM) are a simple yet powerful abstraction widely used for modeling, programming and verifying real-time and reactive systems that control modern factories, power plants, transportation systems and medical equipment.
However, traditionally finite-state machines are either encoded indirectly in an imperative language, such as C and Verilog, or embedded as an imperative extension of a declarative language, such as Lustre. Given the widely accepted advantage of declarative programming, can we have a declarative design of finite-state machines to facilitate design, construction, and verification of embedded programs?
By sticking to the design principle of declarativeness, we show that a novel abstraction emerges, implicit state machines, which is declarative in nature and at the same time supports recursive composition. Given its simplicity and universality, we believe it may serve as a new foundation for programming embedded systems.
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