Efficient Lock-Free Removing and Compaction for the Cache-Trie Data Structure
Euro-Par 2018
The recently proposed cache-trie data structure improves the performance of lock-free Ctries by maintaining an auxiliary data structure called a cache. The cache allows basic operations to run in expected O(1) time, instead of the previous O(log n) bound. While earlier work showed that cache-tries improve inserts and lookups by 1.5−5x on standard workloads, the remove operation was not previously examined. One of the main challenges of remove is to compact the trie - removing the elements should recycle the unused parts of the data structure.
In this paper, we describe a new non-compacting and two new compacting non-blocking variants of the remove operation for cache-tries. We ensure that each remove implementation runs in expected O(1) time. Compared to standard Ctries, performance improvements range between 10% and 35%, depending on the size of the data structure, the parallelism level and the hardware architecture.
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