Inlining-Benefit Prediction with Interprocedural Partial Escape Analysis

Matthew Edwin Weingarten, Theodoros Theodoridis, Aleksandar Prokopec
Virtual Machines and Language Implementations 2022 (VMIL 2022)


Inlining is the primary facilitating mechanism for intraprocedural Partial Escape Analysis (PEA), which allows for the removal of object allocations on a branch-by-branch basis and is critical for performance in object-oriented languages. Prior work used interprocedural Escape Analysis to make inlining decisions, but it discarded control-flow-sensitivity when crossing procedure boundaries, and did not weigh other metrics to model the cost-benefit of inlining, resulting in unpredictable inlining decisions and suboptimal performance. Our work addresses these issues and introduces a novel Interprocedural Partial Escape Analysis algorithm (IPEA) to predict the inlining benefits, and improve the cost-benefit model of an existing optimization-driven inliner. We evaluate the implementation of IPEA in GraalVM Native Image, on industry-standard benchmark suites Dacapo, ScalaBench, and Renaissance. Out of 36 benchmarks with a geometric mean runtime improvement of 1.79%, 6 benchmarks achieve an improvement of over 5% with a geomean of 9.10% and up to 24.62%, while also reducing code size and compilation times compared to existing approaches.

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