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Graal Economy Configuration for First-Tier Just-In-Time Compilation

Aleksandar Prokopec

Multi-Tier Compilation

Graal as the first-tier compiler?

Graal IR

Based on "sea-of-nodes".

Graal Compiler

Graal Frontend (High Part)

IR nodes are close to Java bytecode.

Partial Escape Analysis and Inlining

Partial Escape Analysis and Inlining

Tail Duplication and Simplification

Tail Duplication and Simplification

Graal Frontend (Mid Part)

Optimizations unrelated to bytecode.



Replacing guards with stubs

Replacing guards with stubs

Frame-State Assignment

Frame-State Assignment

Graal Frontend (Low Part)

Mostly lowering and scheduling.

Scheduling of Nodes

Graal Economy Frontend



Evaluation Conclusions

Future Steps

Graal Economy can replace C1.

Thank you.

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